Parent Tips

Tips from Parents at Woodland Hills!

What you want to know at Woodland Hills Elementary!

Lunch Time

– Lunch is ordered at roll call first thing in the morning.

– Send utensils in your student’s packed lunch. Utensils available with purchased lunch only.

– Students have access to a microwave.

– Time and space is limited at lunch time.  For packed lunch, make one that is simple and your student can eat quickly.

Winter Recess

– Students will play outside at recess time a majority of the winter

– Be sure to send your student with a warm coat, snow pants, gloves, and boots in the winter. 

– You will want to teach your child how to put on their own winter clothing, there is not enough time or teachers/duties to assist your student.

Pick Up & Drop Off Loop

– Park along the sidewalk on the loop, your students can come to the car when you are parked on the sidewalk. 

– Continue moving forward if there is space until your students are loaded.  

– Be sure to tell your students to watch for your vehicle and load quickly to keep the loop moving.


– Students do dress up in costumes for Halloween at Woodland Hills.

– No masks are allowed for costumes.

– Students particpate in a Halloween parade in the halls at school during the school day and parents are invited to watch.

Classroom Treats

– All classroom parties and birthday treats brought into Woodland Hills  must be  purchased and not homemade. 

– Be sure to inquire about food allergies for your students class so you can bring a treat for all  your student’s classmates.

Student Absences

– Call the office to let them know if your student will be absent. If you leave a message include the reason for the absence.

– If you let the office know that your student will be absent before the automated calls, you will not recieve a call as you confirmed the absence with your call.

Classroom Volunteering

– Touch base with your teachers to see if they need assistance with anything in the classroom.

– There are a lot of volunteer opportunities filled for each classroom. Reading programs, making copies, planning holiday parties, field trip chaperones.

– Check with the library for volunteer opportunities as well. 

Event Volunteering

– The PTO has many opportunities for volunteering at events. Watch for emails and Facebook posts for the requests and sign-ups.

– You can also donate meals for teacher lunches or dinners. We provide meals during Parent Teacher conferences. We notify parents via emails or posts to sign up.

– We rely on PTO Members just like you to help make the school year amazing at Woodland Hills!

PARENTS: If you have a parent tip that you would like to add to this page, please send it using the form below. Thank you!

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