08/20/19  Woodland Hills News Email

We are excited to see you all at Back to School Night tonight at Woodland Hills from 6:00-7:30 pm. 

The teachers are excited to meet their new students and have been busy preparing for a great year.  We apologize in the delay of sending out the class placements.  Due to technical difficulites we are unable to send those out individually but you can log on to PowerSchool to see your child’s placement.  If you do not know your log in or are new to the school, stop by the office and we will help you get set up in PowerSchool and tell you your class placement. If you are new to Woodland Hills and have not provided Birth Certificates and immunization documents please bring them with you tonight.  We need those documents for your child to start school.

If you need assistance in the coming days please feel free to call us at 208-552-4850.

We hope you are gearing up for a wonderful year at Woodland Hills!