11/19/19 Woodland Hills Newsletter
Principal’s Message
Parents, guardians, and family members thank you for using the parent loop to pick up and drop off students before and after school.
The loop is a moving line so parents need to remain in their vehicles and pull forward as space allows. Please note the forward line in the attached picture. Please be cautious as you do so. At times kids and other drivers are unpredictable. We thank you for your patience and courtesy.
Be mindful to let your students in or out on the curbside of your car. It makes our teachers and duties very nervous to see kids on the passing lane side of the car. We want to make sure everyone gets to and from school safely.
Please note on the picture that the first car should pull forward to the line where the concrete walkway and the grass meet.
Duties are supervising the playground and pick up area between 7:30 am and 7:55 am then again from 2:25 pm until about 2:35 until the buses and cars are gone. Please do not use the front parking lot before 7:55 or until after 2:35.
Once again a reminder that we have many parents dropping students off. It is very busy with many cars entering and exiting within a 20 minute period. Please be patient and observant with both students and fellow parents. We appreciate your help keeping our parent zone safe and flowing smoothly.
If you want to avoid the traffic, there is much less traffic between 7:30 and 7:40.
As traffic backs up please use the turn lane on Sweetwater Way while waiting to turn into our parent zone. This will allow traffic to flow to the Montessori school across the street.
Please see an important message attached to this newsletter from out Director or Safe School, Bonneville County Sheriiff and Ammon City Fire Marshall.
John Murdoch
Woodland Hills Elementary
Here are some important dates coming up this week:
Nov. 19 – Picture Retakes
Nov. 19 – Battle of the Books 12:40
Nov. 20 – Early Release 12:59
AM Kindergarten Dismissal 10:07
PM Kindergarten Start Time 10:47
Nov. 21 – Report Cards Emailed Home
Kindergarten report cards will be sent home in their backpacks
Nov. 22-29 – No School
Please make note of these important dates on your calendar:
Tips for parents:
Visitors-Visitors should sign in at the office before entering the rest of the school. If you have someone who would like to visit or pick up your student that is not on your emergency contact list you will need to call the school and give permission for them to visit or pick up your child. Visitors who are unfamiliar with the staff should be prepared to show photo ID to make contact with a student.